Mike Andrews – Vice Chair

I have been an active member of the Dreamdrops charity since 2008 raising money to provide those little extras for children with special needs including sensory equipment to provide stimulation, days out and gifts to make life a little more special.

I also liaise with local Rotary and Round Table Clubs who
provide support and funding for the Dreamdrops charity and recently became a Governor for the Riverside Meadows Academy for children with social, emotional and mental needs.

What was your inspiration for volunteering?

Helping children and young people.

What does volunteering involve?

Taking time out to fund raise and getting involved in the various activities Dreamdrops arrange for the children and their families.

What have you gained by volunteering?

The satisfaction of making a real positive impact on the lives of children with special needs, their siblings and carers.

What has been your favourite moment volunteering?

Without doubt designing and creating the Dreamdrops Sensory garden in the Children’s Unit at Hinchingbrooke Hospital for sick children and their carers which was opened by Sir John Major.

Why should other people volunteer?

Creating a society that is focussed on caring and supporting children and young people.

What three words describe volunteering?

Transforming young lives.

If you would like to find out more about volunteering for Dreamdrops please get in touch.